
On this day, it’s critically important to us that you don’t just love your boat, but that you know it inside out and feel totally confident in sitting at the helm station and taking control.


We can make arrangements to have your boat delivered to any location in the world.

If this happens to be far from our service facilities, then we’ll find the appropriate local resources and fly in one of our teams to oversee the handover.

The boat will be fully commissioned by our crew before we bring you on board. We’ll check all mechanical and electrical systems and ensure the yacht is perfectly appointed and 100% seaworthy before you get to turn the key.

This is a special moment and we want it to be perfect!


We allow two days for training prior to the handover of your boat.

The first day is spent on the dock and involves a stem-to-stern familiarisation with all of the boats systems and amenities. We’ll examine and explain the electrical panels, the engine room, the GPS and the navigational equipment. Together, we’ll explore the manual (printed and electronic) to ensure you understand the information it contains and are comfortable troubleshooting any problem that may later occur.

We’ll also go over the maintenance schedule and review all of the warranties.

Once all of this theoretical work has been completed to your satisfaction, there’s a rather special moment.

We hand over the keys!


The second day will be spent entirely on the water and takes the form of hands-on, practical tuition. Working with one of our highly experienced skippers, you’ll practice using all of the different control systems until you feel totally confident at the helm. This includes mooring and berth training as well as open water sailing and navigation.

At the conclusion of this session we’ll conduct a competency assessment and if you feel in need of further training then we’ll be more than happy to provide it.

Lastly, we’ll ask you to sign the manual. This activates your yacht’s warranty, and you’re free to set sail.

“It’s impressive to have such a consistent and enthusiastic support team to rely on, and to have this kind of direct access to the guys that know our boat inside and out.”

Simon, PB45 Owner